The Talko board consists of 10 members and a chairperson. After the change of the bylaws in 2017, the board can consist of maximum of 10 members and a chairperson. There are, however, more responsibilities and many usually operate with multiple responsibilities at the same time.
​Responsibilites applying to all board members are for example informing about Talko ry and the Students of business and technology, member acquisition, office duties, and attending board meetings. Hence, everyone has an inlfuence in the decision making of the association and by that, to the advocacy of members.
After a new board has been elected, an organization meeting will be held, where the vice chairperson is chosen, and the responsibilities are ​assigned. A board member has an opportunity to affect which responsibility they will get but cannot straightforwardly choose it.
In addition to the positions of the chairperson and the vice chairperson, Talko has the responsibilities of secretary, member coordination, member events, events, marketing, social politics, educational politics, corporate cooperation, culture, editor-in-chief of Kustanne, and treasurer.
In addition of being a board member, one can be a part of the operations of Talko by helping with events and by ​attending the open board meetings. If you are interested in joining the operations, this is a great way to start!
The board and responsibilities
Chairperson, CHP
The chairperson manages, plans and coordinates all areas of Talko's operations. The chairperson is responsible for calling board meetings and acts as the chairperson during the meetings. The chairperson acts as the official representative of Talko and is responsible for the communications with other student associations and the student union. ​
Vice-chairperson, VCHP
The vice-chairperson’s duties are the most alternating out of any board member. The only fixed duty is to assists the chairperson and act as the chairperson's official substitute in their absence. Other duties will be agreed with the chairperson or the board. ​
Kustanne editor-in-chief
Kustanne editor-in-chief is responsible for the Kustanne magazine’s content and acquiring and developing material for it. The editor-in-chief is also responsible for the paper’s layout, delivering the paper for printing and distribution of the paper. The editor-in-chief is not solely responsible for the content of Kustanne, but the whole board takes part in the making of the magazine. The editor may also seek sources and people outside of the board to create current content for the magazine. Kustanne is published in accordance to the amount set in the Action Plan.​
The treasurer oversees the association’s expenditure and other financial matters relating to the association as well as reports on the association’s expenditures, account and cash box balances in the board meetings. The treasurer also serves as the association’s accountant and is responsible for filing relevant documents.​
Education policy coordinator
The education policy coordinator actively advocates for the students as well as forwards student feedback and serves as a liaison between the association and the education policies’ administration and maintains active communication with the administration throughout the term. Hence, the education policy coordinator oversees that the services meant to advance the students’ studies and careers are functional and beneficial for the members. They have the opportunity to influence the matters troubling the members and to participate in the decision making. ​
Social policy coordinator
The social policy coordinator manages the social policies of HELI, GloBBA and Myynti from the student perspective. The social policy coordinator works actively by representing student voices and forwarding feedback and represents the association in for example Helga’s Eetvartti events.
The secretary assists the chairperson with preparing and filing various documents, manages preparations for meetings and serves as the meeting’s secretary. The secretary creates and sends notices of meeting and agendas per the chairperson’s request and handles the meeting arrangements.​
Member coordinator
The member coordinator is responsible for Talko’s member recruitment planning, development and execution as well as serving as the primary connection between the new members and the association. The member coordinator has the main responsibility in executing membership analysis and presenting the results in the board meeting.
The coordinator and the chairpersons are responsible for the maintenance of the membership registry.​
Marketing and communications coordinators
The marketing and communications coordinators are responsible for marketing the association together with the board. The marketing and communications coordinators are responsible for example for designing and sharing marketing and communications materials, updating the social media channels, composing and sending the newsletter and updating the managing the website. They must actively develop the existing marketing and communications channels and survey and utilize new possibilities, if need be.
Event coordinators
The event coordinators are responsible for the planning, developing and execution of the association’s student parties, Helga May Day event, yearly cruises and Annual Gala events as well as serving as a primary connection between the members and the association. The event coordinators serve as a liaison between party partners (e.g. Night People Group) and the association.
Business partnership coordinator
The business partnership coordinator is responsible for the relationship between the association and the business community. The coordinator’s task is to seek new contacts in the business community as well as maintain existing contacts. The goal is to create circumstances where the interaction between the association and company is continuous and benefits both the company and the association. The coordinator organizes for example excursions.
Culture coordinator
The culture coordinator plans and carries out a variety of cultural events for the association’s members. The coordinator has the main responsibility for organizing sitsits and keeping the Talko song book up to date.